Recycled Sculptures – Week 6, Term 3, 2015

This week was so much fun!

I was looking forward to it for the week.  The start of our Creative Arts Fun badge.  The task this week was to make sculptures from recycled materials.

I saved boxes from our family instead of putting them out in the recycling.  My co-leader had tubes and boxes left over from an activity with her pippins and another leader had other little scoops leftover from something else.

We wrote 4 items on pieces of paper.  Robot, Person, Car and Spaceship/UFO.  Then in their sixes we had relay races.  Running, hopping, jumping, star jumps etc the team with the most wins got to chose a piece of paper with their object on first.

They spent 2 minutes talking in their groups about what they wanted to do and how to do it.  Then we tipped out the recycled materials and gave them all some tape (we rolled from a large roll of packing tape onto a plastic cup the teams could cut off what they needed as they needed it).

Team Robot – complete with backpack and homemade food items:


Team Person – complete with neck, arms, legs and skirt!


Team Car – complete with headlights, and number plates:


Team spaceship, complete with fire launcher on the back:


Overall, it was a great night.  Next week the kids are going to try something new – painting ceramic cups that will be glaxed and fired, this is through a local business who does the glazing etc after the girls have painted them.

Learn about another culture – Week 5, Term 3, 2015

This week, we invited the Mum and older sister of one of our members to come and talk to us about their culture.  They are from India and brought along dresses and jewellery and other items to show the girls and books with pictures.  They did a fab job, and noticed the sister (who was a member of our group) really enjoyed talking to the girls.

There are no links or resources for this week.  The rest of the night was getting in some good game time, and singing songs.  A couple of international songs, but otherwise just some plain good fun.  I have found there hasn’t been as much time for the games the kids just love to play recently so it was nice for us and them to get those in.

We played, cat and mouse, ladders, the rhythm game & who stole the cookie from the cookie jar – always a good one for giving girls a chance to have a moment to themselves.  Even the most shy girls join in!

This concludes our Guiding world badge – we sadly said goodbye to one member who is back off to the UK.  Next week we are on to our Creative Arts badge – Much fun to come!

International Brownie Uniforms – Week 3, Term 3, 2015

This week saw the girls looking at differences between what they do at Brownies and what Brownies are like in different parts of the world.

The first activity we did was for the girls to cut out paper dolls holding hands and then to chose 4 uniforms and colour their dolls in them.  This gets the girls taking a close look at the different parts of the uniform.

Our other leader is the arty one and drew this fab doll as a template and photocopied and folded the paper, the girls cut out it out and coloured them in.


We printed out coloured versions of the following fabulous drawings for the girls to use as a model.


In future I would print the doll onto a light card as the paper tore easily and the edges curled while the girls were using it.

Following the doll activity, the girls got into their sixes and looked at information provided from a book for 2 countries of their choice, they read through it and wrote down what Brownies were called in that country, the promise, how to say hello in that country and another fact that interested them.