My Community – Cultures & Blind games

The day was finally here!  The school term started, but given the public holidays in New Zealand, we have just had our first meeting for the year, and I was excited for it.

This term we are doing the My Community badge and the Yummy Food Fun badge, as well as fitting in the biscuit patch and thinking day.

This week we looked at the cultures that exist within our group.  Each girl was given a person cut out, and they decorated it with felts etc to represent themselves.  It didn’t have to look like them, but they could decorate it to represent their culture, or the things they like – so they could graffiti it with pictures they like, the foods they eat, the clothes they like to wear etc.  Following that we pinned the pictures onto a big board into a tally board/graph to give a graphical representation of the cultures within our group – Its too late, but as I was doing it, I thought I should have left other plain cut outs for each other group and asked them to do a quick tally at the start of their meetings, then next week when the girls come into the den, it would show a wider representation – Next time!

I found the template used here and I printed it 2 to a page so they weren’t so big.



Following that we headed over to the playground and the girls got in pairs with one blindfold per pair.  They they had to lead each other use speech commands to someone blindfolded over the playground.  It was a good amusing activity to watch the mistakes.  The girls experienced what it might be like to be blind, and also gained skills in guiding someone around the course.



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